How to insert multiple rows in Excel ?
5 months ago

7 Steps
Learn how to quickly add multiple rows to your Excel spreadsheet. This guide will walk you through the simple steps to insert rows above, below, or between existing cells. Discover efficient methods using keyboard shortcuts, right-click menus, and the Insert Rows command. Whether you need to add a few rows or a large number, this tutorial will help you streamline your workflow and save time.
How to insert multiple rows in Excel ?

7 Steps
Start by opening the "Excel" workbook where you want to insert rows.
Click on the "Row" number where you want to insert a new row.

Click and drag to select multiple "Row" numbers.
if you want to insert 3 new rows, select 3 existing rows (the new rows will be inserted above these).

Go to the "Home" tab on the ribbon.

In the "Cells" group, click on the "Insert" dropdown.

Select the "Insert Rows Above"
Excel will insert the same number of new rows as you had selected.

Click on the newly inserted "Rows" to enter your "Data"
This method will allow you to manually insert and populate multiple rows in Excel effectively.