How to add GitHub branch protection rules ?
3 months ago

9 Steps
GitHub branch protection rules are essential for maintaining code quality and security. This document will walk you through the steps to set up robust protection rules on your GitHub repository. Learn how to restrict who can push to protected branches, require code reviews, and enforce status checks. By implementing these rules, you can prevent accidental changes, ensure code quality, and safeguard your project.
How to add GitHub branch protection rules ?

9 Steps
Go to your "" account
Select the "Repository" for which you want to set up branch protection rules.
The repository page contains all settings related to your project.

Click on the "Settings" tab located at the top right of the repository page.
This section allows you to configure various settings for your repository.

In the left sidebar, click on "Branches"
This section is specifically for managing branch settings, including protection rules.

In the "Branch protection rules" section, click on "Add classic branch protection rule"
This allows you to create a new set of rules for a specific branch or set of branches.

In the "Branch name pattern" field.
Enter the name of the branch you want to protect

Click the "Require pull request reviews before merging" checkbox.

Click the "Require status checks to pass before merging" checkbox.

Click the "Create" button to apply the branch protection rule.
This finalizes your configurations and enables the rules for the specified branch.