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How to Count Cells with Text in Google Sheets ?
By Mitisha
Aug 27, 2024
document-icon Google
8 Steps
This document will walk you through the simple steps involved. You'll learn how to use the COUNTA function to efficiently tally text-filled cells within a specific range or the entire sheet. No more manual counting! With this handy function, you can save time and effort while analyzing your data effectively.
How to Count Cells with Text in Google Sheets ?
By Mitisha
document-icon Google
8 Steps

Click on a "Blank Cell" in the sheet
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Enter "=COUNTA(ENTER YOUR DATA RANGE HERE)" In this example, the data range was A2:A7 or you can just highlight all of the cells you need to count
Click on the "Cells" you need to count to specify the data range if you did not type it in the step before
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Close your parentheses by typing ")" and Click "Enter".
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Type "Enter"
Rejected autofill as we are trying to count the total number.
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You're finished.
By following these steps you can count cells with text in google sheets
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