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How to Delete a Branch in GitHub ?
Created By Mitisha
3 months ago
document-icon GitHub
6 Steps
This document will teach you how to delete a branch in GitHub. You will learn how to delete a branch using the GitHub website. You will also learn how to delete a branch that has been merged and how to delete a branch that has been deleted locally.
How to Delete a Branch in GitHub ?
By Mitisha
document-icon GitHub
6 Steps

Open your web browser and go to ""
From your GitHub home page, click on your "Repositories".
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Next, click on the "Repository" which contains the branch you want to delete.
You’ll see the main page of your repository.
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Click on the "Branches" tab, usually found near the top of the repository page.
This will show you a list of all branches in the repository.
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Locate the branch you want to delete in the list.
You can see both active and stale branches here.
Click the "Trash" can icon next to the branch you want to delete.
A confirmation message may appear to confirm you want to delete the branch
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