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How to delete a row or column on a table in Google Docs ?
By Mitisha
Aug 05, 2024
document-icon Google Docs
5 Steps
This guide will teach you how to easily remove rows or columns from a table within your Google Docs document. Learn simple step-by-step instructions on how to select the desired row or column and then delete it permanently or temporarily. Discover helpful tips and tricks for efficiently managing your table data in Google Docs.
How to delete a row or column on a table in Google Docs ?
By Mitisha
document-icon Google Docs
5 Steps

Open your "Document" in google docs.
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Right click the "Row" that you wish to delete.
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Look for the option "Delete Row" from the menu that pops up.
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Right click the "Column" that you wish to delete.
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Select the "Delete Column" from the menu.
By following these steps you can delete a row or column on a table in google docs
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