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How to read a clock ?
Created By Mitisha
3 months ago
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7 Steps
This document will teach you how to read a clock, a fundamental skill that will help you navigate your day. We'll cover the basics of analog clocks, including understanding the hour and minute hands, and how to tell time accurately. Whether you're a beginner or need a refresher, this guide will have you telling time like a pro in no time.
How to read a clock ?
By Mitisha
document-icon Online-stopwatch
7 Steps

The circular part where the numbers (1-12) are displayed.
Identify the numbers around the edge of the clock, which represent hours (1 through 12).
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The "Shorter" hand, which shows the current hour.
Identify where the hour hand is pointing. If it's between 2 and 3, the time is somewhere after 2 o'clock but before 3 o'clock.
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The "Longer" hand, which shows the current minute.
The space between each number represents five minutes. For example, from 12 to 1 is 5 minutes, from 1 to 2 is 10 minutes, and so on.
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The "Thinnest" hand, which tracks seconds.
If you’re also tracking seconds, the second hand moves one tick at a time, completing a full circle every 60 seconds.
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Look at the hour hand to see which hour it is near, and look at the minute hand to see how many minutes have passed within the hour.
For example If the hour hand is between 2 and 3, and the minute hand is at 6 (30-minute mark), the time is 2:30.
Make sure you're reading the minute hand carefully (each number equals 5 minutes, and each tick between numbers equals 1 minute).
With practice, you’ll become quicker at reading the time!
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