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How to use CountIf in Google Sheets ?
By Mitisha
Aug 28, 2024
document-icon Google
4 Steps
Learn how to efficiently count cells in Google Sheets that meet specific criteria using the COUNTIF function. This document provides step-by-step instructions and practical examples to help you master this powerful tool. Discover how to count cells based on text, numbers, dates, and more. Whether you're analyzing sales data, tracking inventory, or managing projects, COUNTIF is a valuable asset for your spreadsheet tasks.
How to use CountIf in Google Sheets ?
By Mitisha
document-icon Google
4 Steps

Select the "Cell" where you want your output to live
Let's assume you want to count how many people named "Erica" are in this dataset. In the cell
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Enter "=countif(B2:B7,"Erica")" and hit "Enter"
The countif syntax is as follows: =COUNTIF(RANGE,CRITERIA)
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There is your result!
By following these steps you can use countIf in google sheets
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